One of the most commonly asked questions we receive is, “Do I have to get naked for boudoir sessions?”
Today, we are going to answer that question for you!
When you first hear the phrase “boudoir photography,” what images come to your mind? Women in lingerie posing on a bed? Or perhaps women baring it all in a fine art nude?
Boudoir photography can be that. However, we believe it can also be so much more!
At Show Your Spark, we view our boudoir photography sessions as empowerment portrait experiences. A Spark Experience (aka boudoir photography session) is all about shining the light that radiates from within your being – the essence of who you are. What you wear or don’t wear should enhance this vision, not detract from it.
What does this mean to you?
Read on to find out!

1. Our Trauma-Informed Approach Supports You!
As a photography studio with a trauma-informed approach, our main priority is to support you in your journey, meet you where you are, and explore where you want to be. With your permission, this might mean encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals. Communication is key. We check in with you every step of the way and will never push you to do something you don’t want to do.
One of our mantras is to “help, not harm.” That means respecting your boundaries when you communicate with us what you are and aren’t comfortable wearing.

2. I Help You Choose Outfits That Tap Into Your Confidence.
Lingerie is not the only way to look and feel beautiful, attractive, or sexy.
You can do a Spark Session wearing a leather jacket and jeans, a t-shirt, a gown, your favorite dress, etc. We want you to choose what makes you feel beautiful, empowered, bold, or whatever emotion you want to evoke during your portrait experience.
During our pre-session phone consultations, we will discuss your vision for your Spark Session, including your overall aesthetic and emotional goals. These phone calls allow me to best guide you through the experience in a personalized way. As we talk, I will share tips to help you select a wardrobe perfectly matched to your unique vision.

3. As a photographer, my job is to highlight your best features.
Women often arrive at our studio excited to let their inner spark shine, yet still nervous about letting someone SEE them fully, scars and all!
Let me help you set aside some of your fears. At the studio, I’m not judging your body. (I’m not even really looking at it!) I know that sounds crazy, but as a photographer, that’s not my job. My job is to master posing, light, emotion, etc. So yes, although I see you, I’m not picking you apart. I’m always aiming to highlight and photograph the best of you, so that’s what I see.
Please don’t let your fear of being seen, by me, or by anyone else, prevent you from creating the empowering images you desire to own!

4. The images we create together are for you only.
Are your concerns about who might see your images preventing you from fully embracing an empowerment portrait experience?
We promise to create really gorgeous images of you, that you’ll feel amazing about. Who you choose to share your images with is completely your decision. I always respect your privacy and will never share any of your images without your permission and a signed release. The portraits you’ve seen of my beautiful clients are the ones that I have been given specific permission to share.
There are many photos we take in the studio that are jaw-droppingly stunning, and yet, are never seen publicly. I am totally okay with that! They’re treasured by my client and whomever they choose to share them with privately. That is all that matters. I am honored to have been a part of their journey and private moments.
Since this experience is about you, you have complete control over which, if any photos are shared publicly. Your happiness, privacy, trust, and comfort are the most important things to me.

5. You do not have to get naked for boudoir sessions. Try these ideas!
As you can see through the portraits in this post, your Spark can absolutely shine in a floor-length evening gown, traditional hijab, Sari, or jeans and a sweater. How do we know this? Our clients have done it and loved the results!
Other non-lingerie ideas include; workout gear, your favorite dress, pajamas, or even your at-home comfy clothes. (Be sure to check out the linked blog post for additional traditional and non-traditional boudoir wardrobe ideas.)

Show Your Spark!
Remember, you don’t have to get naked or wear lingerie to Show Your Spark! No matter what you choose to wear (or not), we are here to support you every step of the way.