May 10, 2022

Luxury Portrait Experiences Transform Lives

Can luxury portrait experiences transform lives? You bet!  I know it seems hard to believe, but it’s true. Our Spark Alumni constantly tell us about the inner transformation experienced through a Spark Session at Show Your Spark.  

Even women who exude confidence, have survived challenging circumstances, and are very successful in their careers, find themselves empowered and changed because of their Spark Experience. 

 As you will read in today’s featured Spark Alumni story, a Spark Session can help you see yourself the way others see you, develop a deeper appreciation for your body, and grow your confidence.  These transformations will make ripple impacts across your life, career, relationships, and the entirety of your life. 

In her own words…

Live Life True To You

Life has taken me down several different paths that, I am so blessed to have explored. I’ve studied abroad, changed majors, worked in clinical trials and research, traveled the world as a sales engineer, dabbled in wellness coaching, and most recently completely shifted gears into Real Estate. All of these experiences helped shaped me into who I am today and prepared me for one of life’s hardest curveballs – cancer.

At 26, I was a healthy, active young professional who had just completed her first full marathon. Shortly after that, I noticed some significant changes in my body that prompted me to see my doctor and eventually led to my diagnosis. Now, 2.5 years and a lot of ups and downs later, I can proudly say I am in remission with a clean bill of health! Having gone through that at such a young age, really opened my eyes to the fragility of life and the importance of living a life true to YOUrself – not anyone else. Today that remains my mission. I now spend my time exploring new opportunities, saying yes to things that excite and scare me, and creating a life I look forward to waking up to each day.

Seeing Myself Through Their Eyes

I was excited about the whole experience! It was also one month before my 30th birthday so what better way to round out my 20s. I’m not one to spend a lot of time on ME. I was excited to dedicate a whole day to myself by stepping outside my comfort zone for a unique photo session.

I also appreciated how Lindsay went above and beyond and talked to my boyfriend. Now, I have no idea what was said during their conversation. But I loved how she wanted to gain some insight into how HE sees me (what he loves about me) and to use that information to help me see myself through his eyes.

Meant To Be There

Leading up to the sessions, some days I felt cool, calm, and collected. On other days I couldn’t believe it was really happening! As soon as I showed up I felt like I was meant to be there. My hair and makeup session was relaxing and fun. Getting to chat with Lindsay and Michelle helped keep me calm and get excited about the actual session.

A Rockstar

The whole session was incredible.  Some poses made me feel so confident and sure of myself. My all-time favorite part of the entire experience was the reveal at the end. As soon as MY photos came up on the screen, I couldn’t believe what and who I was looking at. I was a freaking rockstar!!

Easier To Show Up As Me

As a result of my Spark Experience, I am much more aware of my body. I look in the mirror, at my scar, at my skin, my face, my lines, and smile and just embrace it. There are certainly some days where it’s harder to cherish myself, but since my Spark Session, those days are few and far between. As a result, it’s been so much easier to show up as ME throughout all aspects of my life; my career, with my boyfriend, and how I express my true dreams and wishes for this life.

During the reveal at the end of the day, I remember saying, “Wow, I didn’t think I would like these photos that show the roll in my back or the dimples in my legs but I just LOVE them. They’re 110% representative of ME and I cannot get over how incredible they look.”

Our Scars Hold No Shame

The photos that show my smile are my favorite. I love the portraits that display my scar as well. To me, they serve as a reminder that we all have our battles, some of which leave us with scars.  At the end of the day, those scars are nothing to be ashamed of. Our bodies are incredible and powerful machines that carry us through life.  No matter what happens, they deserve to be celebrated and loved.

A “Must” Experience

I would absolutely recommend this experience! If you feel the slightest bit of excitement even thinking about a Spark Session, then this experience is a MUST for you. Walking into the studio, my nerves melted away and I felt so comfortable every step of the way. Plus, who doesn’t love a day of being pampered!

Luxury Portrait Experiences Transform Lives

Gearing up for a photo session like ours can be exciting, exhilarating, and nerve-racking.  For this reason, we devote ourselves to being a compassionate guide to each of our Spark clients. Throughout the entire process, we are here to cheer you on and support you every step of the way. 

Are you ready to be transformed through your own luxury portrait experience?  We hope so!  Contact us today to learn more and begin your journey to empowerment!

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Our VIP Facebook Group is also great for getting insider tips on how to prepare for your Spark Session, seeing exclusive “behind-the-scenes” moments in the studio, and getting to know the team behind “Show Your Spark”!