I’ve asked some of our Spark Alumni to share their biggest mindset hacks in preparing for their boudoir session. Here’s what they had to say!

Self Pep Talk
“Take a moment right before you open the door and tell yourself, “You are amazing. You are strong. You’ve got this.” – Madison
Never underestimate the power of speaking positively to yourself. Talk to yourself in same the way you would talk to a friend or how you want a friend to talk to you? Remember, true empowerment comes from within! Be your own best friend with the way you talk to yourself!

Power Pose
“Use the power pose and pump up the music.” – Nica
The power pose, or “The Wonder Woman” pose, is scientifically proven to raise your confidence. This technique is a great exercise to practice when approaching something you are nervous about, for example, talking to your boss, giving a big presentation, or having a challenging conversation.
To use the pose, stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground and slightly wider than your hips. Place your hands on your hips. Hold your back straight and your head held high. Channel your inner Wonder Woman, and rock your session!

The Maybe Outfit
“Bring a “maybe” outfit that you might be second-guessing. You’ll probably build the confidence during your session to wear it. I know I did. That outfit became the star portraits of the day.” – Gaelyn
We love this! Bring ALL the things! We will help you craft your looks from your pieces (and a few from our Client Closet.) You never know, that “maybe outfit” might end up being the star of the show! It is a joy to watch our clients’ confidence grow throughout their sessions.

Empowerment Playlist
“Make an empowerment playlist.” – Amanda
Music is a powerful way to build confidence. Choose music that gets you going. Play those power anthems that make you feel good. If quiet meditation music is what you need, play that.
In the studio, we use surround sound speakers to pump the music loud! So bring your playlist, or use ours, for empowering music during your session.

Remember Your Why
“Remember your why and trust the process and Lindsay.” – Amanda
Write down WHY you chose to have a Spark Session. Review this list frequently as you prepare your mind for the day. If you are like most of our clients, a Spark Session might be a new experience for you. We encourage you to lean in, trust the process, and learn to trust yourself.
Believe that you have everything you need to have a wonderful experience.
We will guide you through all the poses, show you how to relax your face, and help you channel your inner spark. Trust that emotion might come in waves throughout the whole day. Be okay with the entire process. Not only is a Spark Session a whole-day event, but it’s a whole journey that is part of a larger journey to self-love, empowerment, and stepping into your confidence.

Set Your Intentions
“I wrote out my intentions for my session before going. I mind mapped the whole vibe I wanted and what I hoped to accomplish internally through the session.” – Catherine
Mapping out what you hope to accomplish internally also relates to how you want to feel. Our minds can determine how we want to feel. Thoughts determine actions that lead to emotions. We can make a decision, before we even show up, about how we want to feel. So, set those intentions and be ready to have a powerful experience

Be Yourself
“Don’t get stuck in your head. Don’t try to pose. Don’t second guess yourself.” – Lisa
We agree! Don’t allow your inner critic to join the session. We can see it on clients’ faces when they are stuck inside their heads and listening to that critic. Tell her to grab a coffee, head out the door, and go to the beach. You’ve got other things to do now!
Let yourself feel and be present. Listen to the music. Laugh and just let yourself enjoy it

Don’t Overthink
“This is a different type of day. My best advice to anyone who’s nervous is, ‘Don’t think about it too much. Just do it. Lindsay will capture every piece of beauty and who you are. So, don’t worry!” –Morgan
Remember, the hardest part is already done. The morning of your session, all you have to do is take a breath, grab your bags, and hop in your car. Once you arrive, we will take care of the rest!
When you finally open that door to the studio, permit yourself to exhale. Know and trust that you are supported in our space. You are safe and are exactly where you need to be.
We welcome you here and all the things that make you the unique person you are. We can’t wait to see you! Hopefully these mindset hacks for your boudoir session give you the courage to contact us today!