Jun 25, 2024

Life After Forty: Intentional Personal Growth

Whoever said life after forty was over the hill was wrong!

Life after forty can still be full of intentional personal growth. Don’t believe me? Look to the example of our next featured Spark Alumni, Kat. As a participant in our Fierce After Forty Project, she shares her journey from overcoming addiction to embracing a life of authenticity and purpose.

In this interview, Kat redefines “fierce,” reflects on the challenges and triumphs that shaped her, and encourages women to embrace their Iconic Era. 

Intrigued? Keep reading to learn more! 

Woman in gold mesh dress laying on her belly on a teal jewel-toned bed.  Life after forty photography by Lindsay Hite.

Embracing My Divine Feminine Self

“Today, I am a woman who is building an aligned life that feels good on the inside over a scattered life that simply appears good on the outside. I am a woman who doesn’t feel the need to be chosen. I am a woman who knows her worth and appreciates her value. Today, I am a woman who understands that seeking balance maximizes productivity, and not the other way around. I am embracing my Divine Feminine self to allow things that are meant for me to arrive, and freely let go of that which isn’t.”

Powerfully Fierce

“I believe that fierce describes confident movement in the direction of your heart. It describes the understanding that there is often more power in choosing silence when there are actually no words anyhow. It means standing up for what you believe and for who you love. Fierce is staying committed to reaching your full God-given potential. It means more about what you have the strength to say “no” to, than to what you choose to say “yes”. Fierce is power.”

Woman in blue lingerie sitting on the floor leaning back against a navy blue sofa.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Rewarding Overcoming – Getting Sober

“At the age of 37, by the grace of God, I stepped into an effective program of Recovery for Alcoholism. My alcohol use had fluctuated over the years, but I could never stop at just one drink. These binges grew closer together and my secret suddenly became my life-or-death reality. I accepted that if I didn’t stop drinking, I would never reach my highest potential. This, along with the fear of not being a connected mother for my two young children, terrified me. I am now grateful for over 6 years of continued sobriety. Getting sober and working to achieve ongoing emotional sobriety has been the most difficult, yet the most rewarding, “overcoming” season in my life.”

Setting Healthy Boundaries

“This decade of my life has taught me the importance of setting healthy boundaries. I have learned that your energy is not eternal and you always have the right to protect yourself. Sacrificing your divine aura in the name of generosity, or love, is not healthy. Maintaining a balanced vital life force is where true health lives. It is from this place where equanimity is born and where your spirit can fully serve those who are deserving of your heart and hands.”

Woman in sleeveless pink dress looking away from the camera against a black background.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Living with New Values

“Today, I value simplicity. I value the quality of a friendship over the quantity of them. I value intimacy in the form of honesty, trust, and authenticity over physical forms. I value character over reputation. I value connected conversation over small talk. I value the heavy seasons and the lessons that are born from these dark times over the easy times. I value presence over staying busy. I value feeling safe over feeling satisfied. Today, I value my life.”

Finding Beauty in Brokenness 

“I would tell my younger self, “Perfection isn’t the appropriate goal because it will always leave you feeling like a failure. Certain people will betray or abandon you, and it’s no reflection on your value, but instead on their inability to align with your elevating presence in their life. There is beauty in your brokenness. You are never alone. Keep going and trust God that you are on the right path.”

Woman in blue lingerie laying on her back on a wooden floor showing how her fierce self in life after forty.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Your Iconic Era

“I want others to know that your “Iconic” era begins at 40. This is the time that you’ve likely made many decisions based on fear and made many moves based on what other people think. Now is your time to embrace authenticity in the most Iconic way. You show up with the wisdom of decades past, the direction of a woman who knows what she wants, and the vision of someone who is not influenced by what others will think. This is your season to Rise Up, like a beautiful Phoenix. Iconic.”

Believing the Best is Yet to Come

“I believe and expect that the best is yet to come. I thank the universe daily for the blessings I have, along with the gifts I am confident will arrive as if I already have them. I approach life with a youthful curiosity knowing that anything is possible. I look forward to continuing to evolve on my holistic path to heal myself and in doing so out loud, am confident that my journey will serve to help heal others who still suffer in silence. I understand the importance of using my God-given gifts to show up in service to my family and community.”

Sharing Wisdom

“I am honored to be a part of such an impactful project. Creating a gallery of fierce women, along with a collection of their wisdom in words, is a timeless gift to all people who enjoy the finished product. The wisdom shared in these pages serves as proof that beauty evolves over time and the best is truly yet to come.

A Courageous Woman

“THAT woman can do ANYTHING!” is what I said through tears of gratitude when I first saw this photo. I see a courageous woman who, when life has been unpredictable and seemingly unfair, has repeatedly chosen the high road, seeking elevation in all forms. Every season has infused her with empowerment and created another layer of inner and external beauty, filling her heart with experience and compassion. Her bravery does not indicate the absence of fear, but instead, perseverance through often massive amounts of it, and an innate quest to trust and rely on God for direction. She is chosen.”

The Fierce After Forty Project, designed by Show Your Spark Photography Studio, seeks to highlight powerful women over Forty through photography and storytelling.  In doing so, we inspire countless other women to embrace and celebrate their journey, bodies, and power – no matter their season of life. 

If you want to show off your After Forty Fierceness, apply today!

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

Here’s what to expect when you contact us

  1. Schedule a free consultation call to have all your questions answered and start planning your Spark Experience. 
  2. Select a Spark Session date that fits your schedule. (Studio located in Braintree, MA)
  3. Rock the session like the bright light that you are, and create beautiful, tangible artwork to inspire you for the rest of your life. 

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

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