Nov 2, 2021

Boudoir Photography – Be Seen

Boudoir photography through our Spark Sessions allows each client to redefine their relationship with photography, themselves, and sometimes even with their partner. Through professionalism, artistry, and moments of laughter, inner “sparks” of joy, confidence, love, and strength from the client make their way through the camera lens into each photograph.

Our next featured Spark client entered the studio, not looking to discover something new about herself but to record what she already knew deep within her soul. Having overcome many hardships in life, she wanted a visual reminder of both her strength and vulnerability.

As you will hear in her own words below, her session was a celebration of life, love, battles won, and her continuing journey to deeper levels of self-love and self-acceptance.

CW: sexual assault

Boudoir Photo on couch

I am so completely me.

I am so completely me. At forty years of age, this was a hard-fought battle in the continuous journey of self-discovery and mastery. Emotionally alone all my life, having a sense of self was not something I was even aware of growing up. My youth and teenage years were filled with trying to survive, escaping reality through any means available, and severe self-loathing. 


At many points in my teenage and young adult years I thought, if this is life, fuck it, I’m better off dead. Then something amazing happened. Well, something terrible that turned into amazing. I was beaten and raped for the second time by a man who promised to love and protect me. Despite the horrific circumstances, in those moments, I became a new me. I knew that I would never suffer physical or emotional pain by the hands or mouth of another again. While it has taken me many more years to truly discover my voice, my worth, my value to the universe, and my sass, the journey has been amazing and I can truly say that I finally know self-love, acceptance, and fulfillment!

Double Photo, Boudoir Photo

A visual reminder of just who I am.

Unlike some, my intention for taking part in a Spark session was not to discover the badass in me. It was to capture it. I wanted to see in print what I feel like from the inside out. People say a picture is worth a thousand words but I say it’s worth a thousand feelings. While I am confident, bold, resilient, and tenacious, at times I need a visual reminder of just who I am. I knew when booking a session, Lindsay would not only capture my fiery spark and spirit but would do it in a way that showed both my fierce and vulnerable self.  She killed it.

Couple Smiling

Slam dunk!

At no point leading up to the Spark Session was I nervous. I had been dreaming of the moment for some time and could not wait to walk through the doors of the Spark studio and give Lindsay a hug. My biggest hang-up about the sessions was choosing the right outfits. As a woman who LOVES fashion, the options were endless. 


So what did I do? Packed a giant suitcase and let Lindsay help decide. Say What…….. Slam dunk baby. LOL. Michelle, the hair and makeup artist (and I do mean Artist), was equally amazing. She highlighted my features perfectly without making me feel overdone or too glamorous. She really did capture me: smoky, bold with a bit of softness around the edges. Love her energy too. I truly feel as if I will be lifelong friends with both amazing women!

Couple Boudoir Shower Scene

A blanket of warmth and love

Truly, from the moment I walked into the studio, I was surrounded by a blanket of warmth and love. As the day progressed, lots of laughter ensued and I felt truly at home in the studio with Lindsay and Michelle. The amazing Nana helped to make the experience something I will remember for the rest of my life. 


As I type this I think the stand-out moment to me was when Lindsay, in her true and authentic nature, generously gifted Nana and me a print because we just could not decide on the final cut. The reason this moment is my favorite is that it truly captures who Lindsay is as a person. I knew I was blessed to have stumbled on our virtual friendship prior to our Spark session but it was this moment of kindness that solidified why I truly love, respect, and admire Lindsay.

Boudoir Photo teal couch

Love can be unconditional

This experience reinforced for me that love can be unconditional and that I have finally arrived enough to accept that love. Thanks, Lindsay and Nana for this reminder.

Couple Photo, Woman's arm wrapped around male front

Ignite your Spark with Boudoir Photography

To love yourself is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Self-love is often hard-fought to come by. My advice is, if you struggle with self-worth, allow yourself to be vulnerable with Lindsay. She listens well, speaks her authentic truth, and will help you see in yourself what you may fail to see in the moment. Surrender expectation and trust that you are enough, worthy of a Spark session, are gorgeous, and powerful by being uniquely you. You deserve to be seen, not just by yourself and your loved ones, but by the world. 

Be brave, and know Lindsay will help ignite your Spark. Much love to all!

Couple Headshot

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