Are you too old for boudoir photography?
No matter your age, the answer is….No!
One of the top boudoir myths we hear often centers around the concept that, after a certain age, a woman is too old for boudoir photography. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
At Show Your Spark, we are on a mission to help EVERY woman feel confident, empowered, seen, and celebrated. We use photography, a luxurious day of pampering, and custom-made artwork to help women reclaim their power and beauty and to live their truth as the strongest version of themselves.
Thinking that boudoir photography is for women in their 20s and 30s, women in their 40s and beyond miss out on the opportunity to reignite their confidence while showcasing their unique spark. We don’t want that to happen to you!
In the following blog post, we share 6 reasons why you’re never too old for boudoir photography. Each of these reasons is ageless, meaning they are not tied to one’s age. In fact, the more life experience you possess, the MORE these reasons ring true.
Let’s take a look together!

1. You Deserve to Take Time for You.
As a mid-life woman, you are most likely busy doing all the things. You might be a daughter caring for aging parents, a mother raising children, a career woman getting things done, a friend supporting your network, or a citizen supporting your community all while managing the logistics of day-to-day living. As a result, it’s easy to keep putting you and your needs off. Taking a few hours, much less a day off, feels like an impossible task. You feel like you are running on empty. You know you need to pause and carve out time just for yourself, but you aren’t sure when or how to do that.
Boudoir photography is the perfect opportunity to do just that. A day in our studio will give you the reason and excuse to press pause on life and do something just for you. You don’t need anyone’s permission but your own to make the time and space in your schedule to rest, relax, and feel re-energized by the confidence you will find through a boudoir photography session.
We’ve all experienced how painful it is to see a woman deny herself the chance to shine because deep down she just hasn’t made herself a priority. Has that been your story? If so, it’s time to flip the script!

2. You Are Enough. You Always Have Been.
Have you ever noticed how little children delight in their bodies and in who they are? Have you ever seen a baby giggle at the sight of their toes or marvel at the sudden appearance of their hands? Have you ever witnessed a toddler rub their bellies with love? They beautifully have no concept of shame over their bodies. That emotion sadly comes with time and exposure to cultural and societal narratives that subtly tell us how we don’t measure up and what we need to change in order to meet an arbitrary and ever-changing beauty standard.
With enough years on us, we unknowingly begin to believe these lies. This feeling of non-enoughness often expands beyond our perception of our bodies into areas of relationship status, financial health, parenting styles, career advancement, and so much more.
But the truth is, you are enough. You have always been enough. You will always be enough. If a boudoir photography experience is one that you have been wanting to have, then there is no reason you can’t have it. Whatever “lack” you may think you have does not truly exist. If you hear yourself thinking, “I wish I could do boudoir photography but I’m not _________ enough,” Then it is time to rethink things. Choose to believe in your enoughness at this moment. There has never been a better time to own your confidence.

3. You Deserve to Feel Like and See Yourself as the Empowered Woman You Are.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you have overcome numerous challenges and obstacles, visible and invisible. Each time another one enters your life, you chose to not only survive but to thrive. Chapters of your life have ended while others have begun. Shut doors provided you with the awareness of the open windows in your life. It wasn’t easy. It might have even been a bit messy. But you are here now, reading this post, and wondering, “Could boudoir photography be for me?” or “ Am I too old for boudoir photography?”
You might not feel or see the empowerment that lies within you yet. That’s okay. Know this: by asking that very question, there is a part of you that is ready to fully embody your empowered self. In fact, you’ve always been ready. You just need to give yourself permission to shine!

4. Your Body, as It Is, Should Be Celebrated.
When was the last time you celebrated your body? No really? When did you last pause, look at your body through the lens of compassion, and tell her “Thank You”?
If you are anything like me, it might have been a while. No matter the age or shape of your body, it (or she) deserves to be celebrated. Think about it. You’ve probably walked over a billion steps by the age of 40. (Who knows how many steps you’ve climbed or pounds you’ve lifted over the years!) Beyond what it has physically done for you, your body has been your constant companion through all of life, bearing witness to all the highs and lows of life. Science reveals that our body does indeed keep the score. It remembers our life experiences and yet still keeps providing us with our next breath. You are a miracle. Your body is a miracle. Now is the time to celebrate all it has done for you! Do you have scars, wrinkles, and gray hair? Show them off with pride! You have earned them!

5. Reconnect to yourself. Remember who you are.
With all the demands of life, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle of providing the basics of life for ourselves and for others. So easy, that sometimes we forget what lights us up from the inside, who we dreamed we could be, what makes us laugh from our core, and how to play. Sometimes we need to shake things up by experiencing something unique, personal, fun, indulgent, and out of our comfort zone. Boudoir photography offers that opportunity. Shed the layers of life’s worries and to-do lists and reconnect to yourself through a day in the studio. Rediscover yourself through personalized hair and makeup, wardrobe styling, a fantastic photography session, and, best of all, an empowering cinematic premiere of your gorgeous empowered self, represented through photography.
The photo session itself will have you powerfully connecting to your body and inner spark in ways you could never imagine. Seeing your images on the big screen magnifies that feeling as you see yourself in ways you’ve never seen yourself before.

6. Document Who You Are Now Through Photography
Too often I hear women talking about wanting to get back “there,” to a time and place when their bodies looked or felt a certain way 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago. Sometimes I even hear those thoughts in my own head. But in reality, bodies are different every day. Tomorrow it will be different than it was today and it will certainly be different five or ten years from now.
Hear this: All versions of your body deserve to be celebrated and documented. All versions of yourself are valid and worthy of being seen and cherished. There is no returning to “there”, just as there is no destination to aspire to reach in order to be fully satisfied with our bodies.
What if, instead of wishing to be somewhere else, we chose to be present in this current moment? What if we valued and cherished who we are, body and soul, today? How would that change the way we interact with ourselves and others?
All we have is this breath in time. Life is lived here, now in the body we have that has given us so much. Why not document your body as it is today, as a bold declaration of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-celebration?

You Are Never Too Old for Boudoir Photography
You’ve wondered, you’ve googled, and you’ve read this post. Now you must look inside yourself and ask yourself the following two questions:
“Could boudoir photography be for me?”
We hope you will answer “Yes, of course! Why NOT!?”
“Am I too old for boudoir photography?”
After this post, we hope you will answer, “Nope! Never! Like a fine wine, I’m better with age.”
Are you ready? Are you ready to take some well-deserved time for yourself, to believe you are enough as you are, to feel like and see the empowered woman you are, to celebrate your body, to reconnect with yourself, and to document who you are now through photography?
If so, contact us today to book your session!
Here’s what to expect when you contact us!
- Schedule a free consultation call to have all your questions answered and start planning your Spark Experience.
- Select a Spark Session date that fits your schedule.
- Rock the session like the bright light that you are, and create beautiful, tangible artwork to inspire you for the rest of your life.
Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!