Jan 17, 2023

Sexy Boudoir Portraits Change a Life

Can sexy boudoir portraits change a life? We say, “Yes.” But you don’t have to take our word for it.  

A self-described giver, today’s featured Spark Alumni chose to travel across the country for a day dedicated to herself in our Boston-area photography studio. The day didn’t disappoint. While at the studio, she rediscovered her inner confidence and joy while enjoying a day of pampering and artistic creativity. The Spark Experience did not end when she left our studio. Instead, it continues as she looks at her artwork on display in her home.  

Continue reading to learn about the powerful impact the experience and resulting artwork had on her life.   

You won’t want to miss this story told in her own words.

Woman in black body suit and black background; sexy boudoir portraits by Lindsay Hite

A Teacher To Many

I am a mother, wife, friend, teacher, and marketer. I have always categorized myself as a giver – someone who would do anything to help someone else and who would always sacrifice my needs for those of another. That character trait led me to the career I have now. I am definitely one of those people who loves what I do and is passionate about my work. When students send me messages telling me how I impacted their lives, I find it really fulfilling. 

Becoming a mom about four years ago certainly changed me. I never really saw myself having children, so I didn’t expect to change the way I did when we had them. The kind of love I feel for my kids and this desire to protect them and guide them and give them everything I have is something I wasn’t prepared for. At the same time, I have desperately tried to hold on to the person I was before kids; which has proven to be more difficult than I thought it would be. All of this means that I see myself as someone who takes on a lot, gives it everything I have, and sometimes forgets to relax and spend time being me.

Professional headshot of blond woman in dark green dress, photography by Lindsay Hite

An Entire Day For Self-Focus

I booked my session after being referred by a colleague to Spark who really loved Lindsay’s story. After looking at what you all do, it felt so in line with everything I believe about body acceptance, self-love, and just being a woman. Plus, after my second kiddo, I had a hard time getting back to my “pre-baby” self. I found myself being more critical of my body and I hated that because I realized that if I continued to do so, my daughter would start to internalize the way I talked about myself. I wanted to be better for her. I was actually excited to just have an entire day where all I did was focus on myself and how I felt. I was excited to feel sexy and see myself in a different way. I really wanted to come away feeling sexy.

Woman in black lace bra against a flower backdrop; sexy boudoir portraits by Lindsay Hite
Woman in black lacey bodysuit on teal sofa with jewel-toned pillows; photography by Lindsay Hite

A Welcoming Environment

I was SUPER nervous leading up to my session. I definitely psyched myself out in trying to select a wardrobe and think through poses I might want. When I stepped through the doors, I was still pretty nervous, but Lindsay and the team made me feel SO welcome. Their positive words and assurances that they would help me through the whole process really helped me calm down and relax into it. 

I was actually surprised at how easy it was for me to do the completely nude scenes! I never once felt self-conscious or judged. When I was getting my hair and makeup done, I moved from stressed to excited. This was only the second time I had ever had someone else do my hair or makeup! I loved chatting with Michelle. I also loved how they checked in to see if I was happy with the look and even made changes when I felt like I needed something a bit more!

Side by side portraits of a woman in artist nude with body tattoos.  sexy boudoir portraits by Lindsay Hite

Confident Power Poses

I had so many favorite moments during my Spark Session. I spent most of the session laughing because I just felt so comfortable and am a generally happy person! I felt the most confident while in the power poses by the chair. Something about just being completely exposed like that, but feeling SO good and powerful while doing so, is a feeling I reflect upon often.

Side by side portraits of a woman in power poses with a floral background, photography by Lindsay Hite

Agency Over Self-Image

I felt GREAT during my session. I had so much fun and felt sexy, and free. Things really hit home for me when I got my artwork to my house. I loved seeing my photos in the studio right after the session, but there was just something different about looking at the glass blocks and the physical prints. I thought I would be nervous about putting them up in our house, but I’m not. I have them in our room and see them every day.

The thing that is funny to me is that I rarely spend time really looking at the photos and dissecting all the parts of me and my body. Instead, when I see them, I remember how I felt in those moments. I try to channel that feeling every time I start to criticize myself. I still struggle with parts of my body that I am not 100% happy with, but every time I think about why I am not happy with them, I reflect upon my Spark experience and I remember that I have agency in this feeling. This makes me feel so much more in control of my own self-image than I did before.

Woman nude on white bedspread, sexy boudoir portraits by Lindsay Hite
Woman nude in white sheets sitting on a bed laughing, photography by Lindsay Hite

Remembering Confidence

The portraits that mean the most to me are the fine art nudes, mostly because I remember how relaxed and confident I felt while taking these photos. I also like the booty photos. It has always been my husband’s favorite physical attribute of mine. Yet, I have always been so hard on myself about how “big” it is. Now when I see those photos I only ever think it looks great (and strong). I have stopped thinking about how my butt is too big since seeing those photos!

Image of woman's sexy bottom against a black background, photography by Lindsay Hite

Feel Strong, Powerful, And Beautiful

“I can say without a doubt that anyone who chooses a Spark Experience will leave feeling strong, powerful, and beautiful. Everything about the space, the people, and the experience are uplifting and loving.” 

What’s the secret? How did sexy boudoir portraits change a life?

She was ready! 

She was ready to see herself through different eyes. 

She was ready to spend one day devoted to her self-care. 

She was ready to take action to accept her body as it is now.

She was ready to overcome her nerves and try something new. 

She was ready to be reminded of her power, strength, and beauty as she looked at her proudly displayed artwork. 

Are you ready to have your life changed through one sexy boudoir photo (or more)?

If so, contact us today!  

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