Oct 22, 2024

Redefining Aging: The Fierce After Forty Journey

In a society often obsessed with youth, it’s refreshing to encounter stories challenging these narrow beauty standards. Today, we’re privileged to share the inspiring journey of  Spark Alumni Sue, age 60, a fierce woman over forty who has embraced her age with grace, confidence, and a zest for life.

Self-described as tenacious, impassioned, and curious, Sue shares reflections on what it means to be a woman over forty and celebrates all that she has overcome. Her story displays the incredible strength and resilience within every woman willing to embrace their inner spark, create a life they love, and live beyond their comfort zones. 

Keep reading to learn more about her Fierce After Forty Journey in her own words.

60 year old woman redefining aging and sharing her fierce after forty journey.  She's wearing a while and gold top with a black leather jacket.  There is a sense of movement in the photography with her hair and a smile on her face.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

“Finding Adventure in Everything I Do”

“I’m passionate about living my life as actively, honestly, and presently as I can as a grandmother, a spouse, a mother, a sister, and a friend. I show up in ways I can to support and care for those I love and adore. My curiosity leads me to find adventure in everything that I do. In my professional work as a perinatal mental health counselor, I’m committed to supporting and counseling new moms-to-be as well as experienced moms during one of the most profound and life-altering phases in a woman’s life. I’m honored to be a witness to this transformation.”

Woman in frilly off-white dress laying on the ground.  Photography by Lindsay Hite

“Challenging Myself Out of My Comfort Zone” 

“In 2024, I turned 60. As a gift to myself, I wanted to challenge myself to have experiences that placed me uncomfortably out of my comfort zone! With my new husband, I’ve traveled to unfamiliar international destinations, swam with turtles, sailed along the Seine, moved to North Carolina to be closer to my family and grandchildren after being a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, learned how to play pickleball, and faced the fear of creating new friendships in NC while facing the reality that some older friendships may not sustain this out of state move. Navigating this loss of support is something I’ll have to learn how to do.”

Woman with a dark robe dripping off her left shoulder with a black backdrop.  She smiles as she embraces her fierce after forty journey.  Photography by Lindsay Hite

Defining Fierce

“For me, I define “fierce” as meeting the challenges life presents with determination. You will crumble and get bruised and perhaps, dented in a few places, and sometimes you may want to downright quit, but you don’t break. You hang on to hope and your belief in a universal presence bigger than yourself when life brings you to your knees and know, that somewhere deep within yourself, you have the courage to prevail. You allow yourself to be humbled by what you realize you didn’t know, then continue to learn and practice the lessons you’ve learned. You learn who your true village is and continue to practice self-love and compassion.”

Woman wearing a fur-lined colorful jacket with jeans leaning back against a sofa.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Reflecting on Life After Forty

“Since entering this decade of life, I’ve learned that you’re never too old to learn. I’ve been open to new experiences, challenged old beliefs, and created new ones that fit who I am – not who I’ve been told I am.“ 

“Looking back, I’m proud of myself for having overcome childhood and postpartum depression (twice!), supporting my children through divorce, rebuilding a new life after divorce, dating at 50, and overcoming the fear of returning to the academic world to earn my master’s degree in counseling at the age of 47 and a decade later becoming a licensed psychotherapist.”

“I want others to know that being a woman over forty means that the pressure to be what the world wants you to be fades. You begin to evolve into the woman you were always meant to be.”

Woman sitting up in white sheets. Photography by Lindsay Hite

Embracing the Fierce After Forty Journey

“I’m honored to support the Fierce After Forty Project. Too often, women are told to be quiet, be who they’ve been told to be, you’re not enough – not thin/pretty/smart/beautiful/sexy enough….the list goes on. This project allows women to let go of all of that nonsense and untruths that are rampant in our society and begin to look within themselves to truly embrace the talented, beautiful, brave women they already are and turn towards who they are becoming.”

Woman in black shawl with black backdrop. Photography by Lindsay Hite

“Self-Doubt and Insecurities Fall Away”

“When I first saw the images from my Fierce After Forty Spark Session, I cried. I cried at how beautiful I was, how brave I felt, and how who I felt inside was captured on camera and was there for all the world to see. I loved seeing my edgy side on full display! When I feel a little insecure, I take out my portrait album, a powerful reminder of who I am and what I have overcome, and the self-doubt and insecurities fall away.”

“I’m a force!”

“To me, my photographs say I’m a force to be reckoned with!!! They remind me there are many sides and parts that make up who I am – vulnerability, beauty, survivor, sensitive, fun, tenacious, edgy, comfortable in my own skin, empowered, graceful, the list goes on and evolves whenever I look at them.”

Woman in fur-lined top with a brown-brimmed hat.  Photography by Lindsay Hite

“Tapping Into All Parts of Myself.”  

“I was nervous and felt vulnerable before my session. Lindsay’s open, calm, and sensitive personality helped to alleviate the uncomfortable feelings I had. This experience allowed me to tap into the parts of myself that sometimes get overshadowed by the demands and responsibilities of life – my sensitive, pretty, sexy, fun, edgy self showed up in full force! It was truly empowering.”

What’s Your Fierce After Forty Journey?

Sue’s Fierce After Forty journey is a testament to the strength, resilience, and beauty that lies within every woman over forty. She boldly reinvented herself in her forties by facing her fears. As a result, she’s created a new life, career, and supportive relationships demonstrating one is never too old to learn and experience new things! In doing so, she has redefined what it means to be a fierce woman.

Will you join her?

The Fierce After Forty Project, designed by Show Your Spark Photography Studio, seeks to highlight powerful women over Forty through photography and storytelling.  In doing so, we inspire countless other women to embrace and celebrate their journey, bodies, and power – no matter their season of life. 

If you want to show off your After Forty Fierceness, contact us today!

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

Here’s what to expect when you contact us

  1. Schedule a free consultation call to have all your questions answered and start planning your Spark Experience. 
  2. Select a Spark Session date that fits your schedule. (Studio located in Braintree, MA)
  3. Rock the session like the bright light that you are, and create beautiful, tangible artwork to inspire you for the rest of your life. 

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

Curious about having your own empowering session?

click to inquire

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