Dec 13, 2022

Looking Forward with Self-Love | Empowerment Photography

With a lifetime dedicated to serving and caring for others, today’s featured Spark Alumna chose to care for herself through empowerment photography at Show Your Spark by Lindsay Hite.   

Ready to celebrate the inner work she has done over the past few years, she arrived at the studio nervous yet excited to continue her healing process. Each moment in the studio affirmed her value, worth, and healing process and provided her with a moment to shine. Finding healing in the process and the images, she now encourages other women to take a moment to pause, embrace themselves, and love themselves just as they are in a similar way.

Continue reading to learn more about her life story and her time in the studio.  

Woman in blush colored dress and angel wings; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

I’m Proud

I’ve encountered many obstacles along my life journey. I’m proud to say I’m still here. I’m grateful for that. I find it easy to love others, but hard to love myself in the same way.

I’ve been working since I was 11 years old when I started babysitting. By the age of 19, I was a registered nurse. I’ve also been a mom since the summer before my senior year in high school. To say I’ve been serving others since I was a kid is an understatement. I love service, but I’ve finally learned how important it is to take time for me. With my Spark Session, I finally did just that!  

I turned the big 4-0 last month. In the past couple of years, I’ve grown & healed so much. I truly believe that the images Lindsay created have helped me heal further. 

Woman in blue bra on fur-lined bed; boudoir photography by Lindsay Hite

Ready to Showcase Self-Love

I initially scheduled a Spark Session because I turned the big 4-0 last month. For the past couple of years, I’ve been working on loving myself and embracing myself. I was ready to showcase self-love in the hopes of inspiring others to do the same! I truly believe that the images Lindsay created will continue to help me heal.

Woman nude between navy satin colored sheets; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

Loved As I Am

As the time for my Spark Session approached, I told myself I wasn’t going to be nervous. Despite that, I arrived so nervous. When I first arrived at the studio, I talked a mile a minute, like I usually do, when I feel that way. When Lindsay and Michelle accepted and loved me as I am, I found myself able to truly relax and push boundaries. I had a blast. My Spark Session was such a rewarding experience!

Woman nude between navy satin colored sheets; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

A Magical Experience

So many different special moments from my session stand out to me. In the theme of self-love, every time Lindsay complimented me I couldn’t help but believe her compliments. Her kind words caused me to smile and giggle, which I think shows in my portraits. Another magical experience for me was wearing the angel wings!

Woman in burgundy lingerie sitting on the floor against a teal sofa; boudoir photography by Lindsay Hite

I Finally See My Beauty

I’m truly blessed and felt so blessed throughout this experience. I know I’m beautiful on the inside. Thanks to this experience I was able to achieve my goal of finally seeing and feeling truly beautiful on the outside, too!

Woman nude between navy satin colored sheets; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

Healing For My Inner Child

Looking back on the experience, I am most excited to see my fine art nudes. I am so proud of myself for expressing myself that way! I am also happy about the healing my inner child experienced as I wore a gorgeous couture dress with the angel wings. Talk about empowerment photography!

Woman in blush colored dress and angel wings; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

Self-Love Empowerment Photography

I absolutely recommend Lindsay Hite Photography’s Spark Experience. Do it and don’t look back, you’re not going that way!

Woman nude between navy satin colored sheets; empowerment photography by Lindsay Hite

Contact us today!

We can’t agree more! “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!” If you have your eyes set on a new future and want a photographic record of your inner and outer beauty and strength, contact us today to get your Spark Session on the calendar!

We can’t wait to help you Show Your Spark!

Curious about having your own empowering session?

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