“That one photo changed my life.”
At Show Your Spark, by Lindsay Hite, we hear this phrase often when clients describe the life-altering impact of their Spark Session photos. Through their portraits, our clients see themselves in a different light and are reminded of their inner strength, confidence, and beauty.
You are in for a treat today as you will hear directly from our clients in their own words! They graciously gave us permission to share their artwork’s impact on their lives as well as their favorite Spark Session portraits.
But first, what is a Spark Session? A Spark Session is a unique empowering luxury portrait experience that helps women discover their inner and outer beauty. Some might call it boudoir photography, but we think it is so much more!
Keep reading to learn more!

How can one photo change my life?
The full-day Spark Session Experience culminates in a cinematic preview of the images created during the session earlier in the day. After the viewing, clients choose which portraits to turn into meaningful artwork. We offer a full range of products, including handmade leather-bound albums, matted display boxes, and wall art.
Displaying the artwork allows clients to bring their Spark Experience into their daily lives. As they view their artwork, they are reminded of the transformation, empowerment, and confidence they felt in the studio. These visual reminders of the discoveries made during their Spark Session translate into their everyday lives and how they move through the world. We truly believe that one photo can change your life.

Where can my photos be displayed?
Some clients prefer to keep their photos private, only for themselves, either in albums or on the walls of their own private spaces. While others choose to gift their photos to a loved one or display them on the walls of shared spaces in their home. Either way, the products become an important extension of the Spark Experience that lives well beyond one magical day in the studio.

How One Photo Changed My Life
You don’t have to take our word for it! Listen to these client testimonials about the power of photography to change lives. Their words give us goosebumps as we hear them talk about their inner transformation, empowerment, embodiment, and newfound confidence as a result of the art created in our studio and brought into their homes. Which one resonates with you the most?
“All of my photos mean the world to me. They show the fun, risque, badass, and gentle parts of me all combined into one loveable flawed human being.
My framed prints hang in our living room and husband’s office. When I am just ‘not feeling it’ or having a hard day, I know that ME is still here. “
~ Spark Alumni S

The Photos Remind Me Who I Am
“I love the picture of myself in the purple outfit on the bed and smiling. I remember this moment because it was near the end of the session. I truly felt beautiful and confident and dare I say sexy – things that a busy mom of littles doesn’t always experience! Just because I’m getting older and am now a mother, doesn’t mean I can’t be these things!
Whenever I’m feeling low, or having that imposter syndrome as a fitness instructor, I look at these pictures and remember who I am and how strong I am. “
~ Spark Alumni L

The Photos Reveal My Most Authentic Self
“The photos where I am my most authentic self, with my big smile and genuine happiness shining through, are my favorite photos. I also love the photos where I am standing in my power and really show you who I am. The badass female who worked so hard to fall in love with who she is.
These photos truly alter the eye in which you see yourself, as you’re looking at yourself through the lens of someone else. Sometimes that is all it takes to really feel amazing in your own skin.”
~ Spark Alumni B

The Photo Highlights a Genuine Smile
“My favorite photo is the one where I’m looking into the camera while standing in front of the cd wall. Looking into my eyes and seeing a smile that actually seems genuine is just really moving. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before my Spark Experience.”
~ Spark Alumni A

The Photo Celebrates My Scars
“The photos that show my smile are my favorite. I also love the ones that display my scar. To me, they serve as a reminder that we all have our battles – some that leave us with scars. At the end of the day, they’re nothing to be ashamed of. Our bodies are incredible and powerful machines that carry us through life. No matter what happens, they deserve to be celebrated and loved.”
~ Spark Alumni G

The Photo That Shows My Personality
“There are a few photos from my session that stand out in my mind as my favorites. I love the one of me naked on the bed when I’m laughing and the one on the floor in my fiancé’s flannel. I also like the one of me in a sexy outfit when my eyes are closed and I look at peace. I think these three stand out the most because they capture my true personality. I like to laugh and have fun. Lindsay did an amazing job capturing that in the photos.
After the photoshoot, I started to see myself in a different light. The confidence I haven’t felt for a long time came back. Now each day, I get up and feel good about my body and how I look.”
~ Spark Alumni K

The Photo That Shows My Vulnerability
“I genuinely look through ALL my photos every day. Each day my favorite photograph changes.
Overall, though, my favorite thing about my photos is that they are a reminder that we as women are so incredibly dynamic. We can be sweet, kind, and empathetic but we can also be strong, badass, and courageous. We can be all those things in the same week, the same day, even the same hour. I love my full Spark gallery because I can see my sweet, kind self in some of the images and outfits. I can also see my sexy, confident, ass-kicking self in others. It’s sometimes hard to remember that we don’t have to be just ONE thing. I love my Spark gallery because it makes it easier to remember that I’m both the badass woman in the strappy black lingerie and heels, that feels powerful and desirable, but I’m also the vulnerable, flawed, and brave person in my fine art nude images.
~ Spark Alumni K

Are you ready?
A common theme runs through these testimonials. Women’s lives are changed as they see themselves through the eyes of others. The Spark Experience doesn’t end in our studio! It continues to live on in the homes and hearts of the women through the artwork. As they see their portraits, they are reminded of their unique inner spark and have greater confidence to bring that spark to light. When they shine, their light ripples out into the world, making a difference in the lives of those around them.
If you are ready to have one photo change your life, as it did for our Spark Alumni above, contact us today!
We are here…. ready… to help you Show Your Spark!