Boudoir photography is a growing photography trend and rightfully so! Boudoir photography gives women permission to be in the spotlight for one day, boost their confidence, connect with their bodies, celebrate themselves, and see themselves differently.
Sounds wonderful, right?! We agree!
But you still might be wondering…
Could boudoir photography really be for me? What kind of woman does boudoir photography?
At Show Your Spark, a Boston-area luxury boudoir photography studio, we are uniquely positioned to answer these questions. Photographer and owner, Lindsay Hite, not only creates beautiful photographic portraits, but she takes the time to get to know each client’s personal story and the reason behind their boudoir session. This enables her and her team to create personalized and transformative experiences unique to each client.
As you hear the stories of several of our recent Spark Alumni, we hope you will see yourself in their stories and recognize that boudoir photography is for every woman… including YOU!

Stories of Overcoming
“For good or bad, I hold nothing back. I can admit that, for decades, I have had some of the lowest self-esteem I’ve ever witnessed in a person. I came by it honestly–through overwhelming amounts of abuse and years of self-injury. I’ve carried a lot of extra body weight for my entire adult life but recently had weight loss surgery. I had begun to feel a little more comfortable in my skin and decided to schedule a Spark Session on a whim.
It was honestly a momentary lapse in self-loathing and I questioned it for the next couple of months. The morning of my session, I had my thumb on the button and I was about to call and cancel – deposit be damned. I didn’t think that any picture of me could possibly make me look beautiful. Something made me get in the car and go. Making that decision was the best thing I have done for myself in a decade.
~ Spark Alumni M

Stories of Becoming
“The past four years have been some of the hardest ones of my life. As I walked through the process of divorce in those years, I came to realize many other areas of my life also needed change. Somehow the passage of time and life circumstances had left me unrecognizable and a shell of my former self. I did a lot of healing and inner work and made changes in my internal dialogue, worldview, and relationships. The process was painful and isolating.
The pandemic solidified my cocooning as I began to transform, revealing a beautiful creature I never knew but whose DNA had been there all along. Now I am a fierce, strong woman who has a greater capacity to live authentically, freely, and empowered to make decisions for myself, my future, and my six children. My Spark Session was what I needed to mark this new phase of my life with the tangible reclamation of my once lost pieces. ”
~ Spark Alumni C

Stories of Rediscovering
“I am a wife, daughter, aunt, Nana, friend, Respiratory Therapist, and so much more. I feel my purpose in life thus far has been to “help” people. Wherever I can assist, I am glad to help. Lending an ear, running an errand, being supportive, a small token to bring a smile to their face; I’m always a believer in “do unto others…..”.
Two years ago, I had a spine injury that left me with permanent nerve damage in my abdomen and right leg. Nine months before my Spark Session, I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted to ease my pain and assist with getting around, but it hasn’t helped as well as I thought. Needless to say, in the past 2 years, I felt my purpose in life dwindle. I could no longer help people in the way I was accustomed to helping them.
Throughout my Spark Session, I realized my old self was still “in here”. My absolute favorite moment during my session was when Lindsay turned her camera around to show me “ME.” I missed ME; the ME that has been trying to find my way out for 2 years. Once I saw ME on that small digital screen, I wanted to see MORE…and BIGGER….and BETTER!”
~ Spark Alumni S

Stories of Being
“I am a great mother, a dedicated friend, and a hard worker. I love my friends and family fiercely. I am proud of the relationships I have and of the success I have achieved in my career. Not everything in my life has been sunshine and roses – and I have 2 ex-husbands to show for it – but I am trying every day to live my best life and be the most authentic me.
I just turned 47 and figured it was now or never to schedule a Spark Experience! I have never been one to stand out in front of the camera and was apprehensive at first, but my first conversation with Lindsay put me at ease. I was super excited to be more glammed up than I have ever been. I never had my hair and makeup done professionally before. It was amazing from start to finish!”
~ Spark Alumni J

Stories of Reclaiming
“Due to previous traumas in my life, I struggled to connect with my body for the longest time. I never truly felt strong, sexy, or confident in life or in photos. The Spark Experience came into my life at a time when I was finally taking active steps towards healing after years and years of neglecting my mental health. At last, I was finally moving in the right direction; still, something felt like it was missing. After learning more about what a Spark Session is, I realized it would be an excellent opportunity to try and reclaim that lost connection with my physical self and see myself in a new light.”
~ Spark Alumni H

Stories of Self-Trust
“I’m a 30-something-year-old just starting my transition. I am proud of how I have been able to not only survive the challenges that the universe has put in my way but learn from them and move forward — more able and ready for the next challenge. When I feel down and out, I remember what my grandfather told me once when I was a teenager, “You know, you have a way about you. No matter what happens, you always come out smelling like a rose.” I didn’t quite understand what he meant back then but I’ve got a pretty good idea now.” I put in the work. I get the rewards. I’ve decided to take a chance on myself and find out what I want and need out of my life. For the first time, I put myself first in my own life.”
~ Spark Alumni M

Stories of Challenges
“All my life experiences helped shape me into who I am today and prepared me for one of life’s hardest curveballs – cancer.
At 26, I was a healthy, active young professional who had just completed her first full marathon. Shortly after that, I noticed some significant changes in my body that prompted me to see my doctor and eventually led to my diagnosis. Now, 2.5 years and a lot of ups and downs later, I can proudly say I am in remission with a clean bill of health! Having gone through that at such a young age, really opened my eyes to the fragility of life and the importance of living a life true to YOURself – not anyone else. Today that remains my mission. I now spend my time exploring new opportunities, saying yes to things that excite and scare me, and creating a life I look forward to waking up to each day.”
~ Spark Alumni G

Stories of Self-Care
“As a woman who lost her mom at age 65 due to poor health and not taking good care of her body, it is super important to me to take care of my body. I want to be around for my own kids and future generations, too! Saddled with health issues myself, it’s been my mission to build up my best health. I desire to feel my best and show my girls how to take good care of their health too. With that in mind, at age 49, it seemed like a great idea to preserve these ideas in photos to keep for many years to come.”
~ Spark Alumni K

Stories of Healing
“My journey, like that of so many other women, has been one with its fair share of challenges and obstacles. I spent the first decades of my life battling against myself. In those years, I developed an eating disorder that consumed me every day. It took years of working with wonderful professionals to help me heal and overcome. Today I am fortunate enough to be in recovery from my eating disorder and have been for many years.”
~ Spark Alumni B

What’s your story?
Do you still wonder “Could boudoir photography me for me?”
We hope not! From these stories and the dozens of others on our blog, you can see that boudoir photography is for every woman! Women from all walks and stages of life find themselves transformed, encouraged, and empowered through their boudoir photography experiences (aka Spark Sessions) at Show You Spark. If you identify as a woman, then boudoir photography is for you!
We believe YOU deserve to see yourself as we see you…. powerful, courageous, and one of a kind. Show your Spark!