Nov 17, 2021

Finding Me Through Photography

Life is full of unexpected challenges that cause us to see our lives and our role in the bigger picture differently than we once had. Maintaining our optimism and sense of self through those challenges can be difficult.

When the time came for this client and her friends to continue their multi-decade photographic tradition, they chose to pamper themselves with a Boston Boudoir Photography experience.

The results honored the friendship between the trio, allowed each client to shine uniquely, and helped Stacey find herself again. Her experience motivated her to do life on her terms while still helping others.

Read about her experience in her own words below!

Woman laughing in white lingerie and button shirt

Unexpected Challenges

I am a wife, daughter, Aunt, Nana, friend, Respiratory Therapist, and have filled many other roles over my lifetime.  I feel my purpose in life thus far has been to “help” people. Wherever I can assist, I am glad to help.  Lending an ear, running an errand, being supportive, a small token to bring a smile to their face; I’m always a believer in “do unto others…..”. 

Two years ago I had a spine injury that left me with permanent nerve damage in my abdomen and right leg. Nine months prior to my Spark Session, I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted to ease my pain and assist with getting around, but it hasn’t helped as well as I thought.  Needless to say, in the past 2 years, I felt my purpose in life dwindle.  I could no longer help people in the way I was accustomed to helping them.  Recently,  I have concocted other ideas of “helping” people and put my own creative ideas to work.  I have to do things MY WAY now.

Three Friends in black robes

Opportunity to Shine Through

Every 10 years, my best friends and have professional photos done together every ten years.  This year we decided to pamper ourselves and do not just for “us”, but for each other. We grew up as a team, but we are our own individual selves and wanted to make the time and effort for each of us to shine through.

I was extremely nervous leading up to the session, days before, on the drive there, and even walking through the doors for numerous reasons.

I am not an “off the rack size.”  AND — The Spark Studio had options for me! 

I have a disability & can’t move quickly/readily.  AND — The Spark Studio worked with me!

I feared I wouldn’t look “myself” with hair & make-up styling  AND — I looked AH-MAY-ZING!!!

Woman on white bed in white lingerie

Old Self Still There

Throughout my Spark Session, I realized my old self was still “in here”.   My absolute favorite moment during my session was when Lindsay turned her camera around to show me “ME.” I missed ME; the ME that has been trying to find my way out for 2 years. Once I saw ME on that small digital screen,  I wanted to see MORE…and BIGGER….and BETTER! 

I proudly display one of my photos in our Living Room so I am able to see it every day.  All of my photos mean the world to me.  They all show the fun, risque, badass, and gentle parts of me all combined into one loveable flawed human being.

I recommend Lindsay Hite Photography’s Spark Experience to other women.  I tell them it’s an experience like no other.  It is normal to be nervous. My honest recommendation, if you are nervous, bring a robe and ask questions! You will ADORE the end result!

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