May 14, 2024

Fierce and Unstoppable: A Conversation with Dawn

Spark Alumni Dawn isn’t just a participant in our Fierce After Forty Project – she’s the embodiment of it. Pushing herself out of her comfort zone to be vulnerable in the Show Yoru Spark Studio, she sat down with us to discuss what it means to be a woman over 40 and the wisdom she gained along the way.

Fierce. Independent. Loyal. 

These are just a few words Dawn uses to describe herself. When asked what “fierce” means to her, the answer is simple: “Fighting for myself.” She’s not alone.  Those three simple words sum up the sentiments of many of our Fierce After Forty Participants. 

Woman in teal lingerie behind a white curtain- a fierce and unstoppable woman over forty.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Stepping Into Her Current Decade

Dawn has learned a valuable lesson she hopes others will be inspired by: “I’m capable of more than I give myself credit for.”  

For Dawn, being a woman over 40 means being a “badass.” Often women in the second half of life are viewed as being weak. This perception is far from true. As Dawn said, “We’ve been there, we’ve seen it, and we’ve overcome it.” Women over forty have an incredible depth of wisdom gained from life experiences to share with younger generations.

Woman in black top with a black background holding a guitar.  Photography by Lindsay Hite.

Looking Forward

Dawn envisions a future filled with smiles, relaxation, and living life to the fullest. Participating in the Fierce After Forty Project has been a journey of self-discovery. “[It] meant regaining who I am and seeing myself in a light that my husband might see me, other people might see me, that I just… I don’t look in the mirror and see that person.”

This project isn’t just about documenting beauty; it’s about empowerment. Dawn believes it empowers women to believe in themselves, to recognize their strength, and to embrace vulnerability.  

Women in teal lingerie and robe laying on a wood floor, being fierce and unstoppable.  Photography by Lindsay Hite


Her advice to her younger self? “Jump in with both feet. Stop being afraid. Because life is short, and it’s all about that dash in the middle.”

Dawn’s chosen Fierce After Fory photo isn’t just a picture – it’s a declaration. In it she sees herself looking open and vulnerable in the moment, an emotion she gave herself permission to bravely step into. 

The Fierce After Forty Project, designed by Show Your Spark Photography Studio, seeks to highlight powerful women over Forty through photography and storytelling.  In doing so, we inspire countless other women to embrace and celebrate their journey, bodies, and power – no matter their season of life. 

If you want to show off your After Forty Fierceness, contact us today!

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

Here’s what to expect when you contact us

  1. Schedule a free consultation call to have all your questions answered and start planning your Spark Experience. 
  2. Select a Spark Session date that fits your schedule. (Studio located in Braintree, MA)
  3. Rock the session like the bright light that you are, and create beautiful, tangible artwork to inspire you for the rest of your life. 

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! Show Your Spark!

Curious about having your own empowering session?

click to inquire

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