Why you deserve a Boudoir Experience.
It’s all too easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldn’t or couldn’t do something. Sometimes even the thought of going outside our comfort zone can cause fear to creep in around the edges. As womxn, we can come up with so many reasons to shy away from something– especially when it’s something for ourselves. Today we’re going to flip the script and bust through some of the most common excuses I hear from womxn just like you when they’re considering having an empowering boudoir photo shoot (AKA a Spark Experience)

I don’t look like the womxn you photograph. I’m not a model. I can’t have a boudoir shoot and end up with images like this.
You’re right. You don’t look like the other womxn I photograph. And you know what? None of them look like each other either! It’s one of the amazing things about photographing womxn: no two womxn are the same. A boudoir experience is about celebrating who you are and what you look like right now. It’s a way to honor your body and your spirit at the same time.
You don’t have to be a professional model to be photographed. I know exactly how to help you bring out your best self and pose you in the most flattering way to help you shine and bring out your favorite features. You don’t have to know everything before you come in. The Spark Experience is all about helping you feel empowered. You just need to be willing to show up and trust the process, my guidance, leave your inner critic at the door and share your spark! Yes, you can have a boudoir session!

I feel like I need to lose weight before I should do something like this. I just don’t like my body right now.
Know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. I hear from womxn all the time that they feel like they need to change something about themselves before they can have this experience. We’re so often our own worst critics, aren’t we? It’s all too easy to think that until you lose those extra 10 or 20 or 50 pounds, it’s not worth allowing yourself to be seen or captured in this season.
If we were sitting face to face, I’d tell you that the opposite is true. You’re already enough, just as you are. You are worthy of being seen, right now. Today. You’re worthy of feeling confident, of loving yourself and letting the world see your spark.
The world has tried to tell us for centuries that we need to be smaller, quieter, take up less space to be desirable. Reclaim your power, your worth and take up space in this world because you deserve to be seen and heard. You are worthy and enough. Right now.
Spark Experiences are empowering. If you don’t like your body right now, I’d love to help you start to love it again. Give yourself the chance to take your power back and see yourself the way you actually are– powerful, one of a kind, and so very beautiful.

I’m too busy! I don’t have any time for myself, let alone a boudoir session.
I completely understand how busy life can get! It can be a real challenge to prioritize your needs and desires amidst all the other things that have to happen. But what happens when you don’t give yourself any time? How do you feel– stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out? That’s not serving yourself or anyone else in your life well!
Self-care is a struggle for many womxn, but it’s also so vital to our overall health! It’s how you live your best, maintain your energy and let your inner beauty shine. Taking the time to care for yourself well is also an investment in all of those other things you need to do.
A Spark Experience is an empowering form of self-care, and it’s one day out of the 365 days in the year. It gives you space to relax, to be in your body, and to appreciate who you are from head to heart to toe. This experience will leave you feeling more confident and at peace within your own body. That’s worth making time for.

I haven’t felt like I’m sexy or sensual in a long time. This isn’t for me.
You might not feel that way right now, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t those things. It also doesn’t mean you won’t ever feel sexy or sensual again. In fact, a boudoir session is a great time to take that power back and let yourself feel sexy again in a safe and supportive environment, just as you are! You have a spark inside of you that’s meant to shine, and when you show your spark to the world, there’s nothing sexier. This is for you, Beautiful. You’re not disqualified by any feelings you may have and you never will be.

I don’t have anyone to give the photos to.
You might think most people book a boudoir session as a gift for their partner, but the number one reason my clients book a session with me is for themselves. They want to celebrate their journey, struggle, and achievements. They have conquered cancer, trained for a marathon, started law school, got divorced, raised children, got engaged, turned 30, 40, 50, 60, or heck- just needed to be reminded that they are amazing on a Monday in February. We get so focused on the hustle, it’s easy to put our own needs aside. There is no reason more valid than any other reason. The feeling that you want to see yourself as beautiful and confident is reason enough. Anyone you choose to share the photos with is a lucky beneficiary!

This sounds like an investment. I don’t have the money for a boudoir session right now.
A Spark Experience is an investment…in yourself. It goes beyond paying for some photos of yourself to be taken. Yes, you’ll have an incredible time in the studio having your portraits made and yes, you’ll receive gorgeous, one of a kind, hand crafted artwork that showcases your spark. But you’re also investing in an experience that will further empower you to be the amazing womxn that you are. It’s an investment in self-care, in your confidence, in the totality of your person. It’s an investment in you and that’s the best kind of investment you can make.
If you are ready to move forward and book your Spark Experience, I’d love to talk to you! We can even go over your financing options so you know what to expect and how to make it work best with your budget.
I’m ready for my Spark Experience!