Aug 9, 2022

The Spark Session: A Transformative Boudoir Experience

At Show Your Spark, we create a transformative boudoir experience that helps women discover their unique strength, beauty, and confidence.    

Today’s featured Spark Alumnus was ready for that transformation! With a challenging childhood and a history of self-hatred, she overcame much to become the woman she is today. Entering our studio, she was ready to celebrate her own inner transformation over the years with a personalized luxury photography session designed to help her show her unique spark.  

Continue reading to learn more about her story and how Show Your Spark helped her shine even brighter. 

woman in black lingerie on teal sofa; photography by Lindsay Hite

“I’m extremely proud of the woman I am today.”

I’m a teacher, a mother to two beautiful kids, and a lover of nature, yoga, and mindfulness. I’ve overcome severe trauma, neglect, and abuse. I moved over 40 times from group home to hospital to foster care. My parents were always in the grip of addiction and my life was in constant turmoil. I carried my core beliefs about myself around the same way I dragged around trash bags carrying everything I owned. 

Unlovable. Ugly. Worthless. 

These beliefs were as true as the sky was blue. I could find no peace until I started to see myself differently — until I started choosing to think differently. I was the first person in my family to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree. Later I started a career in Human Services, where I walk with others through the fire. I’m extremely proud of the woman I am today. For me, success is about what I overcame rather than what I’ve achieved.

brunette in red strappy lingerie with black background, Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite
brunette in black lingerie against teal sofa; photography by Lindsay Hite

A Transformative Boudoir Experience

One of my friends had a Spark Session with Lindsay. Her pictures were stunning, but the way she kept talking about the experience drew me in. The phrase “highlight of my life” came up. That makes me think of the birth of my babies, moments of increased consciousness and seeing my children’s pure joy. It sounded like the experience was so much more than gorgeous pictures. It was transformative. I wanted to feel that myself. 

Brunette between the sheets; Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite

“My goal was to love myself and my body, no matter what.” 

Leading up to the session, I felt butterflies for days, like the angry kind, not the good kind! Before my daughter was born, I was in the best shape of my life. Through yoga, gym, and martial arts, my body and I were finally getting along. Through that pregnancy, I gained about 60 pounds and was pretty ill, even hospitalized a few times. The “pre-baby body” I was imagining I would have by Spark Session date wasn’t there. I thought about canceling. I thought about postponing until I could “get back there”. Then I realized, that “there” was not a thing anymore. 

My goal, when I booked, was to love myself and my body no matter what size I was for the Spark Session. It’s even more important to me, now that I have a daughter, to accept, speak and think kindly about my body rather than picking it apart or wishing it was different. When I stepped through the doors, it was like seeing two best friends from college! Seriously, Lindsay and Michelle make you that comfortable instantly. During hair and makeup, I had butterflies (the good kind), excited to have my session and see the pictures. I truly enjoyed chatting with Michelle and Lindsay, they were so lighthearted and easy to talk to.

Brunette in sapphire sheets, Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite
Brunette in sapphire sheets, Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite

“I felt so connected to this body I was trained to hate.”

My favorite moment was the last scene of the day, the Shower Scene. The lights were out, I was naked, and sprayed with glittery mist. Truly, I was not only comfortable in my body, but I was loving it. I dragged my fingers across my lips, closed my eyes, and felt so connected to this body I was trained to hate my entire life. It was so powerful; I’m crying as I write. It was the first time in my whole life that I really felt appreciation and admiration for my body.

topless woman in dark shower scene, Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite
woman in black lingerie with black background; photography by Lindsay Hite

“Looking at my pictures, I could see my light radiate from inside out.”

When I left the studio that day, I was walking on sunshine! I still am. My Spark Session helped me tap into what’s truly important. The single most important thing for me is self-love. We are with ourselves, in this body, all day – every day. Being able to love yourself exactly as you are, thigh jiggles and all, is so empowering and freeing. Looking at my pictures I could see my light radiate from the inside out. My Spark is a tangible force – I’m going to keep it alive!

woman in black lingerie on dark bed; photography by Lindsay Hite
Side by side of brunette in a Transformative Boudoir Experience by Lindsay Hite; on left, woman in white sheets and white background, on right, woman in blue off shoulder sweater on teal sofa

“A Spark Session is truly a masterclass in empowerment and self-love.”

Every woman deserves a Spark Experience. The fact that I was able to do this, means anyone can. (I’m the woman who went through an entire year without buying a single item of clothing and who shops sales AT the thrift store.) This is an investment in yourself. It’s so much more than beautiful photographs. Your Spark Session is truly a masterclass in empowerment and self-love. 

side by side of brunette in power seated pose and tushie portrait, photography by Lindsay Hite

Schedule YOUR Transformative Boudoir Experience

“You are deserving, darling. Always have been. Say yes to yourself and beautiful things will come from it.”

Schedule your own Spark Session today! We can’t wait to help you Show Your Spark!

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