Apr 5, 2022

Creativity Fosters Creativity

Do you believe that creativity fosters creativity? We do!

There is such beauty in one creative soul feeding off the creative energy of another creative soul. Arriving at her Spark Session feeling flustered after a morning full of car troubles, this Spark Alumni’s creative spirit was refreshed and rejuvenated through her time in the studio.

Modeling our new-to-us Angel Wings, she was able to release her worries, step into her confidence, remember her strength, and find voice to words and ideas that had once been hidden.

Writer, author, and spoken-word artist Eternity shared her experience at Show Your Spark in prose and poetry. Keep reading to hear how her Spark Session rejuvenated her spirit and inspired a new book!

Woman in white with white background and white angel wings

Creativity Fuels Creativity

As time passed, I patiently waited

The time came.

Completely happy with the final project! I look amazing and feel so empowered.

Seeing myself in that light made my day.

I am even more inspired to fuel my other creative outlets.

I started writing what will eventually be my third book. Ideas that had already been running through my mind. Words about embracing our skin tones and the rich culture of the black community.

Side by side Black and White portrait of woman in mesh top; Creativity fosters creativity; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

A Romantic

I have been a spoken-word artist for a decade now. Writing for the majority of my life. Words come naturally to me. When I pick up a pen, I can’t stop.

I also have been interested in modeling,  acting, singing, and dancing since I was a young child. The love of these arts came naturally. 

When writing, I’m inspired by my friends, family, and my own life experiences. I mainly write about relationships – friendship, romance, and faith. I write about love.

What can I say? I’m a romantic.

Side by Side portraits of woman in Cinescape; Creativity fosters creativity; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

Growing into my Destiny

Seeing myself in a boudoir setting brought me even more confidence. I am inspired to continue to model, act, write and dance. These are my creative gifts. My calling. My purpose. I used to be so off balance but thankful to be in a place of focus, growth, healing, and enlightenment.

I have been preparing for some time to fully emerge into the woman I’m meant to be. This journey of self-care and healing has been a rollercoaster ride. I’m thankful I spent years working through mental, emotional, and spiritual warfare. My time of solitude and working on my crafts brought me to this moment. Being able to shine as you see in these photos was a long time coming. The work is never done on self. I continue to evolve and grow into my destiny.

Portrait of woman in heals on the ground with angel wings; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

A Game-Changer

I believe every woman should do a boudoir session. It’s a game-changer. Especially if you happen to struggle with insecurities or self-doubt (as we all have at one point or another).

Learn to embrace all of you.

Headshot of woman with necklace; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

Creativity Fosters Creativity: A Poem

I walked in with confidence

A little stressed

Running around, taking and making calls

Once I got dressed, I was still a bit pressed.

She gently reminded me to get grounded

Choose an affirmation

Turn off your ringer

Be here in this moment

She reminded me to come back to my magic, myself.

I was free to be me! It felt like home in her studio.

This moment is yours.

You are magic – the sign read.

You are a queen.

It’s your time to shine!

The moment was mine

The moment was ours

Pose after pose,

Shoes, then no shoes.

Lying down, standing up,

All with angel wings attached.

We wrapped up for lunch.

She gifted me with the opportunity to choose the photos I desired.

A presentation of what we created emerged. I was in awe.

That’s me!

I was seen in a new light

In all of the glory, I knew I carried within.

I was walking in my light.

I am light.

By Eternity

Woman in angel wings on wooden floor; Creativity fosters creativity; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

Now it is YOUR Time!

We hope you are as moved by her words as we are!  Let us help you find your magic! 

Schedule your own Spark Session today!

Woman in angel wings on wooden floor; Creativity fosters creativity; boson boudoir by Lindsay Hite

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