Oct 25, 2023

7 Reasons All Mothers Need a Boudoir Session

Do all mothers need a boudoir session? Yes, absolutely! 

Let us explain. 

Boudoir photography has a PR problem. Somehow, along the way, boudoir photography has been branded as photography solely geared toward young, fit women in their early 20s seeking to create sexy pictures for their partners.  

The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. 

At Show Your Spark, we know how often women of all ages, bodies, and walks of life sideline their worth, deprioritize self-care, and desire to connect with their bodies and reignite confidence.  

This is why we specialize in creating empowering portrait experiences that help women celebrate all they are– as they are in this moment. Through stunning photography, a full-day luxury studio experience, and custom-made artwork, we enable women to press pause on life for a day and reignite their inner spark as they see themselves in ways they’ve never seen before through the power of photography.  

One subsection of women often overlooked and ignored, especially in typical boudoir PR, are mothers of all types— biological, adoptive, and spiritual. Motherhood is beautiful, messy, complicated, challenging, rewarding, and changes our perspective on ourselves and the world.  

This is why we’ve compiled a list of 7 reasons all mothers need a boudoir session. 

Embrace Self-Love 

Mothers frequently put others before themselves. A boudoir session serves as an act of self-love, reminding moms to prioritize their own happiness. 

I know it sounds cliche these days, but it’s true. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Refill your emotional tank with a boudoir session that empowers, encourages, inspires, and reminds you who you are in addition to your role as a mother. 

Escape the Daily Grind

It has been said of motherhood that “The days are long but the years are short.” That’s hardly any comfort when exhausted, especially when your children are very young. So, why not take a day “off” from the joys and demands of motherhood through a full day dedicated to yourself with a boudoir session? 

Asian woman pictured upper chest and above in a shower with a black background.  Boudoir photography by Lindsay Hite.

Celebrate Your Body

If you carried the pregnancy, celebrate all your body has done to create and sustain life in and outside the womb. The body goes through a radical transformation during and after pregnancy. Instead of hating your body for not being “back” to your pre-pregnancy self, why not celebrate all your body has accomplished? 

If you did not carry the pregnancy, celebrate all your body has done to care for, feed, cloth, and support your child. The work of motherhood is taxing on the body with sleepless nights, lifting, carrying, and all the other unseen tasks of motherhood. Celebrate all the ways your body shows up for you so you can show up for your child. 

No matter how you came into motherhood, it often comes with changes in self-esteem and body image. A boudoir session can help you regain confidence and celebrate all your body does to provide for your children (and you!)

Side by side image of two different pregnant women.  The woman on the left with in blue draping satin fabric with a black backdrop.  On the right, a woman with a long sleeve black leotard against a grey background.  Boudoir photography by Lindsay Hite

Embrace Empowerment

Life as a mom is always busy and sometimes monotonous no matter the stage of motherhood. From constantly changing diapers to bringing your high school children to activities, it can be easy to lose a sense of one’s abilities, skills, and confidence outside of the role of mother. 

A boudoir session can empower moms to tackle new challenges, try new things, and live life to the fullest. Pushing outside one’s comfort zone in one area often encourages women to push against the edges of their comfort zone in other areas as well. 

Create a Legacy

Consider boudoir products a part of the legacy you leave for your children, showing them the confident and empowered side of their mom. Through your portraits, you can become a positive role model for your children, teaching them about body positivity, self-confidence, and self-love.

Yes, it might feel awkward at first. But, imagine the impact your portraits on the walls of your home could make on your daughters (and sons) as they witness their mother unapologetically confident in their own skin! What a great way to break down intergenerational stigmas and affirm the worth of women as more than “just a mom”. 

woman in green dress sitting on a black sofa with a black background.  Moms Need a Boudoir Session.  Photography by Lindsay Hite

Unleash Creativity 

Break out from your regular routine with a boudoir session. Whether that routine involves work, childcare, family routines, elder care, or your makeup and wardrobe choices, a boudoir session is an opportunity to shake it up, experiment, try new things, and explore styles and experiences that are outside your everyday life. We are here to help you unleash your creativity and collaborate with you to create the boudoir session and portraits of your dreams and imagination. 

Inspire Others

Choosing to embrace boudoir photography for yourself could encourage and inspire other women to do so as well! We hope it does!  

Show Your Spark was founded on the following question: “What if each and every woman could see her light and her spark, take up space unapologetically, and confidently stand in her own unique power?” 

A boudoir session is so much more than sexy pictures. It is a movement- a revolution, of women claiming their worth, beauty, strength, and confidence. When you participate in a boudoir session, you help fuel this movement of radical self-love, self-celebration, self-agency, and empowerment.  

Woman in gold leotard with a purple background displaying that all mothers need a boudoir session by Lindsay Hite

It’s Your Turn!

As a mother, he question isn’t “Will I influence my children?” The question is “How will I influence my children?”  

A boudoir session can be a transformational experience for a woman that enables her to strengthen her confidence, motivate her to reach for her dreams, reconnect with her inner person, fall back in love with herself, and be on the receiving end of care and service.  

If you ask me, the woman who has those things is the mother who has much to offer her children. 

Side by side image of two different mothers in a boudoir session.  On the left, a woman in a black bra and pink jacket with a black background.  On the right, a woman in a silver sequence top with white angel wings and a white background.

If you are a mother and have previously discounted boudoir photography as an experience you are no longer qualified for, we encourage you to begin to think differently. Spend some time with these 7 reasons all mothers need a boudoir session and consider which of these reasons resonates most with you. 

If you are ready to experience the benefits of a boudoir session as a mother, we are ready to be a part of your journey! Simply contact us by filling out our inquiry form and we’ll take it from there!

 Here’s what to expect when you contact us

  1. Schedule a free consultation call to have all your questions answered and start planning your Spark Experience.
  2. Select a Spark Session date that fits your schedule.
  3. Rock the session like the bright light you are, and create beautiful, tangible artwork to inspire you for the rest of your life.

Remember, you are powerful, courageous, and one of a kind! It’s time to show your spark!

Curious about having your own empowering session?

click to inquire

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